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This week’s art

People ask me about homeschooling sometimes. Sometimes for guidance, sometimes to see how others do it, I guess out of curiosity maybe and well, for guidance. Though I am of a generation and of an upbringing of keeping things to myself, and also having been an introvert do not share many things, especially publicly where all can see and look back to many years to come.

I know this may sound morbid for most and strange for the trendy onliners, but it is horrifying, we all will go through it in the hereafter, having all our lives recorded displayed for all to see, why put ourselves through it in this life?

There used to be a thing called diaries, where people kept their memories to themselves for one’s own eyes only (even then you do get others reading them without permission, but that’s another story). So I have and still have a hard time in these times where I can find out not just about other people’s family, but names of their children, nieces and nephews, cats mostly, what they eat, sometimes how sweet their voices are reading the Qur’an, I mean…it sweet on one hand and scary on the other, and it’s so captivating looking into other people’s lives, but why does it feel so wrong, even if they are giving permission for us to look, it still feels to me like I am looking into another’s home, life, family, it feels wrong. It feels like an intrusion and screams danger by sharing information that should be kept private.

I frequently look back at what I have said as cringeworthy and often in my head wonder why I did say or do most of the things I’ve done. And now I’ll probably feel this is too much, even my picture up with my Mr. is too much and I leave it up though for a reason I keep to myself, for now.

Well, after all that prelude, I was meaning to record the art activities of my children. I am sharing people 😅 I pray it is appropriate and well I guess this is one of the reasons I understand well, for recording purposes, to show that we actually do something as homeschoolers, a blip in our lives, some proof of work, evidence of progress..

No I haven’t talked to my kids about drawing animate objects. Not sure how to go about it. It is a skill to be able to record Allah’s creation, to draw them is to really observe, but to feel that one’s drawing is beautiful is also something that bothers me with my drawings, so I have stopped drawing portraits myself.

So for memory’s sake, the parrot and butterfly was done by A and the rest by M

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